Friday, 16 April 2010

Horsford 7th Birthday Health Walk 16 04 10 TG191168

Today we celebrated 7 Years of Health walks with a meet up of 98 at the Brickmakers Pub. Having manged to squeeze over 50 cars in we set off doing a circular walk around the back of the pub, many horses and then for those of us on the longer 3.8 mile option we crossed the main road and into the woods.
Walking in the woods always gives you that very atmospheric feeling, the wind in the trees. No one got lost as we were able to stay in sight of front and back markers and enjoyed  the paths. I have found woods can be very disorientating and its very easy to get lost if you not have a compass as all looks the same and there are no reference points. A good mornings walk and coffee, cake and a distribution of literature in the pub afterwards. Everyone was very jolly!!

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